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Configure Redis leader follower(master-slave) replication

Tip submitted by @zhx828

In the latest JHipster generator, it provides a redis cluster setting for production deployment. But oftentimes, that might be overkill for small projects. This document provides a solution to configure Redis leader follower (master-slave) replication. For more information about Redis Replication, please see here.

The following changes are based on my own project set up. I assume you have modified your application properties to setup Redis password, so you can adjust your own accordingly.

Step 1

Add file

public class RedisProperties {
String type;
String password;
MasterSlaveRedisCache masterSlaveCache;
SingleRedisCache singleCache;

public String getType() {
return type;

public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;

public String getPassword() {
return password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;

public MasterSlaveRedisCache getMasterSlaveCache() {
return masterSlaveCache;

public void setMasterSlaveCache(MasterSlaveRedisCache masterSlaveCache) {
this.masterSlaveCache = masterSlaveCache;

public SingleRedisCache getSingleCache() {
return singleCache;

public void setSingleCache(SingleRedisCache singleCache) {
this.singleCache = singleCache;

Step 2

Add RedisProperties to

public class ApplicationProperties {

private RedisProperties redis;

public RedisProperties getRedis() {
return redis;

public void setRedis(RedisProperties redis) {
this.redis = redis;

Step 3

Update the file, method jcacheConfiguration. These changes have to be combined with the current cluster setup.

if (applicationProperties.getRedis().getType().equals(RedisType.SINGLE.getType())) {
} else if (applicationProperties.getRedis().getType().equals(RedisType.MASTER_SLAVE.getType())) {
} else {
throw new Exception("The redis type " + applicationProperties.getRedis().getType() + " is not supported. Only single and master-slave are supported.");

Step 4

Update application-dev.yml to use single server

profile: dev
type: 'single'
password: 'public-redis-password'
address: 'redis://localhost:6379'

Step 5

Update application-prod.yml to use master-slave servers

profile: prod
type: 'master-slave'
password: 'public-redis-password'
master-address: 'redis://redis-master:6379'
slave-address: 'redis://redis-slave:6379'