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Using Vue

This section refers to the JavaScript library Vue.js.

Project Structure

The JHipster client code can be found under src/main/webapp.

Please read this guide first if you have any question on our application structure, file names, TypeScript conventions...

Note that we use TypeScript in our generated Vue application following vue-class-component style and guidelines.

For Vue routes we follow a dash cased naming convention so that the URLs are clean and consistent. When you generate an entity the route names, route URLs and REST API endpoint URLs are generated according to this convention, also entity names are automatically pluralized where required.

Here is the main project structure:

├── app - Your application
│ ├── account - Account related components
│ ├── admin - Administration related components
│ ├── core - Main components such as Home, navbar, ...
│ ├── entities - Generated entities
│ ├── locale - I18n / translation related components
│ ├── router - Routing configuration
│ ├── shared - Shared elements such as your config, models and util classes
│ ├── app.component.ts - The application main class
│ ├── app.vue - The application main SFC component
│ ├── constants.ts - Global application constants
│ ├── main.ts - Index script, application entrypoint
│ └── shims-vue.d.ts
├── content - Contains your static files such as images and fonts
├── i18n - Translation files
├── swagger-ui - Swagger UI front-end
├── 404.html - 404 page
├── favicon.ico - Fav icon
├── index.html - Index page
├── manifest.webapp - Application manifest
└── robots.txt - Configuration for bots and Web crawlers

Using the entity sub-generator to create a new entity called Foo generates the following front-end files under src/main/webapp:

├── app
│ ├── entities
│ │ └── foo - CRUD front-end for the Foo entity
│ │ ├── foo-details.vue - Details SFC component
│ │ ├── foo-detail.component.ts - Details page component
│ │ ├── foo-update.vue - Creation / Update SFC component
│ │ ├── foo-update.component.ts - Creation / Update component class
│ │ ├── foo.vue - Entity main SFC component
│ │ ├── foo.component.ts - Entity main component class
│ │ └── foo.service.ts - Foo entity service
│ ├── router
│ │ └── index.ts - Entity main routes configuration
│ └── shared
│ └── model
│ └── foo.model.ts - Entity model class
└── i18n - Translation files
├── en - English translations
│ ├── foo.json - English translation of Foo name, fields, ...
└── fr - French translations
└── foo.json - French translation of Foo name, fields, ...

Please note that the default language translations would be based on what you have chosen during app generation. 'en' and 'fr' are shown here only for demonstration.

Store using VuexStore

Application will use a store VuexStore to maintain state within the application.

This store is configured at startup in app/config/config.ts:initVueXStore. Please refer to Vuex documentation to add new states or mutations.

The application will use the store to maintain:

  • User authentication information
  • Language and translation
  • Notification and alert information
  • Active profiles data


JHipster uses the Vue router to organize the differents parts of your application.

When it comes to routes that require authentication, the meta authorities is used on desired route. This component will prevent any unauthenticated or unauthorized user from accessing a route.

Here is an example of PrivateRoute usage:

const Routes = () => [{
path: '/public',
name: 'public',
component: Public
path: '/private',
name: 'Private',
component: Private,
meta: { authorities: ['ROLE_USER'] }

As you can see, unauthenticated user can access /public but accessing /private requires at least to be logged in.

Please note that the interceptor uses the $store.getters.authenticated store value to know if the user is authenticated.

Validation system

In order to perform form validation, we use Vuelidate library. Besides adding validation constraints, several filters are already furnished and enable a full validation on form. Custom validation can be added as such:

import { required } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';

const mustBeCool = (value) => value.indexOf('cool') >= 0;
const validations = {
foo: {
export default class FooComponent extends Vue {
foo: string = null;

Bootswatch theme

Theming Bootstrap can be done directly using Bootswatch themes. We now provide questions during generation to pick one of the many themes served by Bootswatch.